What is a Burial Vault?
A burial vault is a lined and sealed outer receptacle that houses the casket. It protects the casket from the weight of the earth and heavy maintenance equipment that will pass over the grave. It also helps resist water and preserves the beauty of the cemetery or memorial park by preventing the ground from settling.

If it’s not lined and sealed... it’s not a burial vault.
An outer burial container, or grave-box, is an unlined concrete box with drainage holes to allow ground water to escape.
Burial vaults are constructed of high-strength concrete and reinforced with a metal or plastic liner. They provide the most lasting protection.
By definition, if an outer burial container is not lined and sealed, it’s not a burial vault.
Selecting a Burial Vault

Single reinforced vaults feature a concrete construction strengthened with plastic for extra support.

High-strength concrete, stainless steel and high-impact plastic combine for durable in-ner protection in a double-reinforced vault.

High-strength concrete, semi-precious corrosive-resistant metals and high-impact plastic combine for excellent durability.